Thursday, April 20, 2017

Top 9 Tips To Prevent Break-In And Theft In Your Home

Top 9 Tips To Prevent Break-In And Theft In Your Home
Breaking and entering happens more often than you would think. In fact, according to Safe wise this happens every 15 seconds. While we can’t really keep crooks off our houses totally, since determined ones really find a way to do what they set out to, it’s still worth trying to trick them into passing up your home.

Of course, if you have valuables that you want to hide long-term, you should invest in a good safe or a facility that offers safe-keeping. But for little stash of money or jewelry that you want to get into someone’s hand, there are ways to fortify your home from the outside in and outsmart burglars.

1. Get Your House Windows Tinted
Get Your House Windows Tinted
Tinting your windows help keep valuable items inside your home out of plain eyesight, so burglars are less tempted to pick your house as their target. Aside from that, window tints also add an extra layer of protection for you windows because prevents your windows from shattering if burglars decide to break it since the film holds the glass together.

2. Check Your Windows And Sliding Doors
Check Your Windows And Sliding Doors
Windows and sliding doors are often the intruder’s choice of entrance because they can be easily lifted and aren’t bolted down with locks. You can solve this by taking a shower curtain rod or a dowel and slide it into the tracks of the window or door. This makes the glass harder to slide or lift.

3. Strengthen Your Front Door
Strengthen Your Front Door
When it comes to you front door and back door, you have to make sure that they’re made from solid hardwood or steel so that it can’t be easily kicked open. Aside from that, your locks should be heavy-duty deadbolt locks and knob-and-locksets with a dead-latch mechanism on your door.

4. Make Your Home Well Lit
Making your home well lit
Intruders like to barge into poor lit houses because they can move around and look for a way to enter undetected. Motion-sensing lights are great for this purpose because they automatically lights up when they track someone’s movement. This could discourage the intruder from pursuing your home and alert you as well.

5. Put Warning Signs
Putting some warning signs in your house
Speaking of discouraging, one way to do that to is to post warning signs like WARNING! PROTECTED BY ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM. Whether you do have this security system or not, burglars will be put off by it and won’t take chances. But, of course, it’ll be better if you really have it because you never know how brave and crafty thieves nowadays.

6. Be Clever With Storing Your Valuables
Forget about under your mattress or your closets, robbers already know these hiding places.  So you have to outsmart them and look for a spot in your house that is not an obvious one. Or better yet, you might wanna consider building secret hiding place throughout your house like within the walls or buried in the soil of a fake plant. Be creative but not obvious. Thieves can be clever with what they do since it’s technically their ‘job’.

7. Install Deadbolts On Every Door
Install Deadbolts On Every Door
Standard doorknobs can be easily picked or broken down. To, really, up your security, it would be better to choose single- or double-cylinder lock, which has a keyed opening on both sides. Even if the intruder breaks a window or glass to reach in, he still won’t be able to.

8. Set Off Timers In Your Home
Set Off Timers In Your Home
Burglars are more hesitant to barge into a house of it seems like someone is home and still awake. So the key is to make them think that even if you’re actually out of town. You can do this by setting a timer that can be synced to indoor lights, TV, radios, and other electronics. If lights turn on 45 minutes before it gets dark along with your other electronics or appliances activating during the day and evening, it gives off that impression.

9. Ask A Neighbor
Ask your neighbor to watch your home for you
This is why it’s important that you build a friendship with your neighbors. In times when you’re not home and you don’t have any relatives close to your house to monitor; your neighbor can come in handy. Good neighbors can watch your home for you and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. They can also help pick up your mail, newspapers, and bills, and even park in your driveway, to give the appearance that you’re at home.


Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Film For Home Windows 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Film For Home Windows

Most people like to know what they’re getting into exactly before they proceed with a decision. This should be the case even when it comes to investing in solar film for your home windows. You don’t want to end up spending money on something that may be a problem or turn out to be not worth your money. Here are the pros and cons of purchasing residential window films.


Reduction Of Energy Cost
Having air conditioning unit in your home makes living in tropical countries easier. However, despite the comfort that it provides it also comes with a skyrocketing bills, especially during summer because the unit has to work harder to keep your house cool. But if you get your windows at home tinted, you’ll be able to save money on energy cost. Window films blocks not just the sun light but as well as the heat from penetrating your home, so you wouldn’t have to run the AC unit on full blast just to keep our house cool.

Protection For Your Home And Furniture
Wood floors, counter tops, and furniture fades or becomes damaged over time, but with the harsh sun light streaming down constantly, that will happen prematurely. Residential window films that can be adjusted as the sun rises and sets is a great way to prolong the beauty of your home and furniture.  

Protection For The Window Itself
Accidents happen all the time, and it would be a nuisance and costly if you have to replace broken windows every time that happens. You can prevent that by installing window films on both sides of the windows. This keeps the glass from shattering so that repair can be an option, unlike non-tinted glass where you have no other choice but to replace it when it shatters.

Protection From Burglary
Burglars don’t break-in out of nowhere. They plan these things out and part of their planning process is to inspect the area to see which house have more valuable things that they can get. But if you have tinted windows, which keeps them from easily seeing what’s inside your house, then their scouting becomes more difficult. More often than not, they’d move on to easier targets instead of waste time and risk being caught trying to find out what you have inside you home.

Makes Your Windows Look Better
Decorative films are great way to be artistic while adding an extra layer of protection for your home windows. But even regular tint can give your windows a clean, finished, and polished look.


Films That May Not Provide The Advertised Benefits Or May Begin To Peel After A Few Years
This would only be an issue though if you do not buy a window film with good quality and not have it professionally installed. Otherwise, residential window films should last you 12 to 22 years.

May Affect The View For People Inside The House
This is why purchasing window films for home should be done in person. Don’t rely on online pictures. See it for yourself to make sure that the films that will be installed on your house’s windows aren’t too dark, give off a shiny external appearance, or look colored. The time you think you have saved by opting to buy online, could be an eyesore for years. That’s not worth it.

Possible Void On Manufacturer’s Warranty On Windows
Check the details of any existing warranties before applying window film to avoid this problem. You don’t want to solve one problem and cause another. So pay attention to this kind of details.


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