Friday, August 11, 2017

The Truth Behind Four Common Sun Misconceptions

he Truth Behind Four Common Sun Misconceptions
The sun rises and sets everyday but many people still don’t realize that it’s always at work, even when it’s cloudy or even when you’re indoors. This is why many people still don’t know how to properly protect themselves from it and develop skin damage. Take a look at the common myths about the sun and learn the truth behind them.

1. Suntan Is Fine As Long As You Don’t Burn
People with pale skin like getting a tan. What they don’t realize is that getting the tan skin from the sun can put them at risk for sun damage and skin cancer. This is even if you don’t get sunburnt and when you do there’s a chance you might develop melanoma. So better stick with tanning lotions than actually sunbathing.

2. Sun Can’t Penetrate Through The Windows
Whether it’s summer or not, once the sun is up it can easily warm up the entire space. Do you know why it seems like when the temperature inside any establishment seems to be higher than when you are outside? That’s because of the windows because they’re making it easier for the outside temperature to penetrate as well as the harmful UVA rays that can cause damage to you skin. But the help of heat resistant window tint, 67% of the sun’s heat will be reduced which reduces cooling cost by 30% too.

3. Not Enough Sun Causes Vitamin D Deficiency
The sun is a known source of vitamin D, which is why people assume that not getting enough sun, can lead to deficiency in this vitamin. But the truth is that you don’t really have to spend hours under the sun to get its benefits. Normal everyday sun exposure and vitamin-D rich foods is enough, you don’t have to go out of your way to soak in the sun without wearing sunscreen. That just put you in risk of skin damage instead of absorbing vitamin D. If you’re really vitamin D deficient, taking multivitamins is enough to compensate for that.

4. If It’s Cloudy Or Cool Outside You Don’t Need Sunscreen
When you don’t see the sun shining, it’s easy to assume that you can go without sunscreen. What’s there to hurt you anyway? Unfortunately, this is just another myth. As much as 80% of the sun’s rays can pass through the clouds. You may have had this happen to you: you spend a day in the pool or at an amusement park on a cloudy day, only to end up with sunburn. Cold days are no exception either. Snow can reflect UV rays, increasing exposure.


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