Tuesday, April 9, 2019

9 Essential Facts that will Encourage You to Have Your Car Windows Tinted

 While other believes window tinting is a smart investment for a car,
While other believes window tinting is a smart investment for a car, there are also some people who think it is a little too much, especially in a difficult economy. So, is it really worth investing money in automotive window films?

As a car enthusiast, one thing is for sure: you value your possession like how a parent loves his/her child, right? Given this, isn’t it when you love something, you are willing to do anything as long as it will benefit? So, why deprive your car to have its window filmed?

In case you are still having second thoughts about car tinting in Singapore, here are some facts, which you probably don’t know, that will give you the urge to bring your auto to one of the car window tinting companies in the country:

1. It prevents you from acquiring skin cancer
Just like what the teachers and health professionals always say, too much exposure to the sun is not good for the skin. As a matter of fact, basking in the sun for a long period of time is one of the causes of having skin cancer, and as a driver, you are not exempted to this. The good news here is you can prevent it with through installation of window tint provided that it can block up to 99.9% of the harmful ultraviolet rays. With this, your skin and even health, in general, would be protected while you are on the road.

Pro tip: Choose the best provider of solar film in Singapore.

2. It can help your wallet
If you think window tinting is just a luxury over necessity, then you may have gotten the wrong impression that it costs too much. To answer the question: it actually is not expensive as what you think. It is in fact a great venture as it is truly cost effective considering the fact that it acts as an insulator to your car. In return, you can help yourself save money in terms of air conditioning and heating.

3. It is easy to maintain
It is right! Maintaining a clean and spotless window tint would not cost you an arm and a leg because all you will need is a just a piece of soft cloth and a trusted brand of glass cleaning solution.

4. It protects the upholstery
The heat of the sun is one of the main culprits of fading and deterioration of your car’s upholstery in the next few years. Given the fact that window film has the capability to block the damaging sun’s heat from penetrating through your car windows is enough reason to have automobile film installed to your car. It is a better idea than of changing the upholstery every one to two years, or so.

5. It can contribute to your better driving
When driving, aside from the blind spots, other factors that can affect your driving competence are the hot glares of the sun that hit directly in your eyes. Take note, this can not only be a simple distraction while driving but, worse; it can be deadly as accident may take place even for a split second of driving badly. But this can be prevented through installation of window tint, hence, making you a better driver.

6. It provides an awesome level of privacy
If you are the type of person who value privacy, window tinting is an ingenious way to secure your personal space while you are on the road, as it acts as barriers for people who will try to peek inside the car. Aside from that, the valuable things inside the car can also be protected, especially from intruders.

7. It gives an extra layer of security
The car window is very susceptible to breakage; hence, it is the gateway for burglars who would try to steal some valuable things inside your vehicle. In this point, automotive window film is the key to prevent the thieves from breaking into your car. With this, you and the people you’re traveling with are guaranteed for an extra level of security given the fact that it has the ability to keep the glass intact.

8. It gives the ideal temperature
Whatever the weather, car window films can help maintain the ideal temperature inside the vehicle provided that it serves as an insulator which keeps you cool during summer and warm on cold days.

9. It enhances the appearance of your car
In case you are thinking of the best way to pamper your auto, might as well get a window tinting service from your trusted automotive film company in Singapore! Aside from safeguarding you from the detrimental rays of the sun, protecting your interior and other valuable things inside, and whatnot, window tinting can also intensify your car’s appearance.

In addition to these, here’s another fact about the window that you must definitely be aware of: there is a law with regards to car tinting. In order to get yourself further aware of this, it is recommended to either ask queries from a trusted car tint supplier or you may search online.

Should you need help with regards to quoting several car tinting suppliers in Singapore, Infratint is here to give a hand! You may reach us at our customer service hotline at 6684 5330 or 9456 0888.

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