Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Top 6 Factors That Determines How Much It Will Cost You To Tint Your Car

Cost is often a huge deciding factor when it comes to deciding whether to tint the car or not. But do you know what makes it expensive or not? Here are the factors that will give you and the dealer an idea whether this is gonna be an investment you’ll cry a bit over or not.

1. How Many Windows Do You Intend To Get Tinted
 How Many Windows Do You Intend To Get Tinted
Tinting the entire car means all side and back windows, as well as a strip along the top of the windscreen will be tinted. But you can opt to go for just one or two windows. So when it comes to the overall cost of a tinting job, you may have to pay less or more depending on this.

2. The Size Of Your Car Windows
Size Of Your Car Windows
Cars vary on designs and sizes which mean the windows can either come smaller or bigger. Usually, bigger cars have larger windows so obviously there will be more surface area to tint and this cost more than those with smaller windows.

3. What Kind Of Car Do You Have?
What Kind Of Car Do You Have?
The make and model of your car determines the number of windows your car has and their sizes. The window film installer will ask this so that they can have a clearer idea of how much work they’ll need to do and how much material will be needed so that they can give you a better quotation too.  

4. How Old Your Car Is
How old your car is
Some older cars tend to be more difficult to tint which mean there may be tricky door areas that will take longer to work on. This may mean the dealer will have to charge you more. On the other side, newer cars usually don’t have these issues so the cost may not be as hefty.

5. If It’s Tinted Or Not At The Moment
Currently tinted cars means the installer will have to remove the old tint before applying on the new one. This means more work so expect it to cost more than if you have a car that isn’t tinted yet.

6. The Kind Of Tint You Prefer
Different kind of tint offer different benefits. So you have to know what you need and what works for your car.

· Dyed Film Technology 
Dyed tint film
 this is the most affordable type, a non-reflective film but only offer moderate heat control.

· Metalized Film Technology
 Metalized Tint Film Technology

this one reflects solar heat which is why it’s more effective when it comes to keeping your car cool. However, it may interfere with your car’s navigational equipment.

· Advanced Nano-Ceramic Technology 
 Advanced Nano-Ceramic Tint Film Technology
If you’re willing to invest on the best automotive film, this is the one for you. It provides superior heat control without interfering with any signals.