Monday, September 9, 2019

How Window Film Helps in Maximizing a Small Space

Maximizing a small space ─ may it be your bedroom, study room, or office ─ can really be tricky and quite frustrating. This is because you are trying to make your limited space become breathable without compromising its look. With this, lots of thoughts on how you can rearrange the furniture, in a way that it still creates an open feeling, might be running on your head. Aside from rearranging your furniture, there’s a great and unique way to make your small space look decorative without consuming too much space ─ WINDOW FILM!

Window tinting is most known for its energy efficiency feature, given that it drastically reduces solar heat gain through windows, thus allowing a comfortable temperature inside the room. That is why it is no longer a surprise that both residential and commercial window film is becoming in demand these days.

Aside from being advantageous in terms of deflecting heat, window film also provides other great benefits by protecting your skin and furniture against the damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun while reducing the pesky glare.

Whether you’re planning to take full advantage of your small space at home, installing a residential window film is a smart decision that you would surely not regret.


Putting curtains on your windows can help make your abode look and feel homier; however, hanging heavy curtains can also create a suffocating atmosphere in small spaces. The same thing goes with using blinds, despite the fact that it is useful when it comes to blocking the heat of the sun from entering through the window. If you are trying to create a breathable ambiance for your small space, using curtains, drape or blinds may not be a great idea since these can only muddle the window space. Not to mention that they can block the natural light from coming in and obstruct your view out. But with window film, the heat of the sun that penetrates through the windows can be reduced while allowing the natural light to come in.

In addition to creating and maintaining an ideal temperature, installing a residential window film can also increase the privacy and security in your space provided that it allows you to get a view out without them (outsiders) seeing what and/or who’s inside the house.


What’s more annoying than to be bothered by the pesky glare beaming off the TV screen while enjoying a good movie or TV series with the family? This can be solved by window tinting! Not only does window film helps in reducing glare but it also gives protection from the detrimental UV sun rays, which is one of the main causes of deterioration of the furniture.
Since window film lets only the natural light in, you can create a happier and more comfortable environment while creating an illusion of a bigger space. Also, the fact that the window film helps in reducing glare, you can be able to save yourself from eye strain while working in front of your computer screen.


Sun’s harmful rays can make your furniture fade and deteriorate quickly, not to mention that these rays can also cause skin cancer. Considering adding window film can not only help in maximizing your small space but also conserve your money given that you won’t have to replace your furniture more often. In addition, you can save on your monthly bill since window tinting helps in keeping the inside temperature cool despite the outside weather is extremely hot ─ and vice versa.

In case you’re looking for one of the best providers of window film in Singapore, Infratint provides a range of window film perfect for your office or home’s needs! You may contact us through our customer care hotline 6684 5330 or 9456 0888.