Sunday, September 30, 2018

How To Know If Your Car Has A Bad Tint Job

Since there are tint kits available in the markets,
Since there are tint kits available in the markets, many car owners choose to perform the job themselves so that they don’t have to give money for installation. Unfortunately, most of the time it has been found that they cannot perform the tinting task with perfection. Even sometimes after getting tinted from a professional tint specialist, people complain about bad tinting works. So if you don’t wanna waste money on having to redo a bad tint job and you want it done perfectly, it’s best to seek the professionals who have the skills and years of experience on doing this job. Sometimes, to really save money, you have to learn to invest on long-lasting things instead of being stingy on all your possible expenditures.

Getting your car window tinted offers a lot of benefits like protection from the sun’s damage to your skin and car interior as well as providing you with privacy and more security. But to enjoy these benefits, you have to make sure that it is properly installed. To ensure that, you need a professional to take on the job! If you opt for DIY or attempt to save money by going using sub-par quality window film, you’ll encounter soon realize you should’ve invested in a good quality one and had it installed by a professional.

Inconsistent And Messy Edges
Is the film cut very close to the window pane and has a consistent clean line? If no, then sadly your window film was poorly done. This usually happens when the installer doesn’t use computerized templates that pre-cut the film as much as possible.

It Has Turned Purple
You’ll know that the film used on your car was of the most basic quality possible when the tint turns purple over time. This is because the material used is a vinyl sheet with dyes that fade over time.

There Are Tiny Bubbles That Distort Your View
Low quality tint form bubbles as early as 6 months into getting the tint. Even if they’re only tiny ones, you shouldn’t settle for it because it can still distort your view and we all know your view on the road is crucial.

See The Dot Matrix
For a car that's already been tinted, what you want to see is an incredibly consistent line that goes right to the edge of the dot matrix. If you’re seeing horrendous zig-zagging line, you’ve been ripped off my friend.

Gaps And Bubbles Around The Defroster Bars
You want to make sure the tint is pressed as tightly against the defroster as possible. Otherwise this will happen.

Darker Shade Don’t Always Mean Better Quality
A common misconception when it comes to tints is that the darker it is the better job it does in blocking the heat. Put one hand directly in the sun and one hand behind the window, now feel the difference. Even if the tint is dark but the temperature almost feel the same then it’s not really doing the job. There are high-quality ceramic tint that is lighter but efficient in heat reduction.

Dark Metallic Tints May Not Be Good
They may give you the ’80 limo vibe but can interfere with phone and radio reception as well as your own car’s GPS. It would be best to stick with the usual window tint films.

‘Missing’ The Windshield
What’s the point of getting tint in everything else in your car but leaving your windshield bare? Nothing, it just defeats the purpose of tinting your vehicle. If the installer says it’s prohibited to use very dark tint in your area and doesn’t offer an alternative look for another installer. There are high-quality tint that are just effective in blocking UV rays but aren’t as dark.

It Has Cut Outs
If the guy doing your car window tint says he needs to cut out sections of the film on the windshield for things like your inspection or registration stickers, so that you can remove them when the time comes without damaging the film. Don’t let him! A good install will involve placing those stickers on a clear film that essentially converts them to static-cling decals.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

6 Accessories Most Car Owners Want In Their Car

Having a car that you can drive at your disposal is already a huge convenience
Having a car that you can drive at your disposal is already a huge convenience. But it’s no secret that with the help of some car accessories, there can still room for improvement when it comes to driving experience. Here are some of those that you may want to invest in if you haven’t already!

1.Lumbar Or Cervical Car Cushion
Sitting for extended period of time is not good for anyone’s back and overall health; however, it has become unavoidable nowadays due to the rising popularity of deskbound jobs as well as long drives to and from work.  In that case, what you can do is find a way to make sitting less tortuous if you drive a lot? Well, a good idea is to get a lumbar or cervical car cushion. Once you start using it, it will blow your mind how much difference it can make and how did you manage without them before.

2.Rooftop Cargo Bins
Are you an outdoorsy type of person who likes to drive everywhere when you travels? If you answered yes, then this is a good one. Most often than not, you struggle with cargo space since you tend to carry a lot of stuff around, all the time. So getting this will make your life and traveling easier by having more space in your car.

3.A Dashcam
A car dashcam is a fantastic accessory or gadget that any car owner should own. On a good day, it can be used to capture and commemorate particularly beautiful and memorable drives over the hills and through woods. On a bad day, it can be used as evidence in a car accident – the recording can prove who was (and wasn’t) at-fault. Make sure that A) mounted dash cams are legal in your state and B) the camera isn’t one that will obstruct their view of the road. Then keep your fingers crossed that it only gets used for the fun stuff!

4.Portable Tire Pump
Who hasn’t had a moment of frustration with a flat tire before? Basically anyone who drives a car can relate to this. This makes portable tire pump available, whenever the situation calls for it, a heaven sent. Car repair shops aren’t always easy to find when you need them, so it’d be better if you can fend for your own tires.

5.Battery Jumpstart Kit
Just like getting a flat tire in the middle of the road, being stranded with a dead battery sucks. Having these bad boys in your car at all time will save your day. Getting this will be a good investment because it will at least let you get by and look for the nearest car repair if the case of your battery is more complex.

6.Window Tint
Accidents happen even to the most cautious people. This is why it’s good to have an extra layer of protection especially on your car windows. Direct impact often leads to glass shattering which can cause wounds to you and your passengers. But if you install automotive film on your car windows, this will prevent the glass from shattering because the film helps hold the glass together even when broken. Aside from that, since glass allows sun to penetrate easily, the car gets hot in an instant especially during summer. This makes your entire car ride uncomfortable because of the heat and your air conditioning to work harder to keep the car cool which increases gasoline consumption. However, installing heat resistant window tint will solve this problem while also being able to protect your car’s upholstery from premature damage like color fading as well as cracking.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Effects Of UV Radiation That You Definitely Won’t Like

health benefits we can get from sunlight
There are a lot of known health benefits we can get from sunlight, it boost your mood, treats seasonal affective disorder, helps relieve stress, improves your sleep, and, of course, provides much needed vitamin D. However, despite its many health benefits, did you know that it can also cause harm to your body, especially if you’re exposed to it too much? You’re not even safe when you’re indoors because UV rays can penetrate your glass windows!

This is the reason why residential window films as well as automotive window tints are a must! This doesn’t just protect your furniture, car upholstery and paint and provides privacy, the most important thing is that solar films shields you from the negative effects the sun can have on your health too.

Damages And Wears Down Surfaces
Wood floors, countertops, and furniture fades or becomes damaged over time, but with the harsh sunlight streaming down constantly, that will happen prematurely. Aside from that, did you know that leather can fade and crack when constantly exposed to the sun? But then you can spare you car’s upholstery from premature damages which, of course, saves you money from repair or repurchasing if your car is tinted. This is because car tints serves as a barrier from direct sunlight to block 90% of harmful UV rays from entering. Window films can do the same thing for surfaces around your house so it’s definitely an investment that’s worth every penny.

Dries Out And Fades Paint
If you’re not driving or using the car, always park it somewhere covered. This is the easiest and cheapest way to prevent UV damage to your car’s paint job.  Even a warm garage beats being parked in the sun all day. So whenever there’s an available garage, use it. Not only that your interior will stay cool, but your paint job won’t suffer to premature damage either. Also, when you’re washing your car make sure you don’t do it under direct sunlight. Remember that the water and cleaning agent is already making your paint job vulnerable, don’t mix UV rays into that. And when you can’t find a covered parking lot, use a car cover to at least give a barrier for your car’s paint from the sunlight.

Weakens Plastic
We have all seen plastic bottles and containers go dull and change shape in the sun. Although the mutation is often credited to the heat itself it has nothing to do with the temperature of the bottle. UV radiation is responsible for weakening the bonds in plastic, which causes it to lose color and change shapes. In other words, UV light makes it easily for heat to affect plastic as it weakens the bonds at a chemical level.

Fades Color In Fabrics
Do you notice how your curtains, drapes, and other textiles around the house, especially those that are close to the windows seem to look faded over time? Even if you try to wash them gently, fading will still happen because they’re exposed to UV radiation. This is the reason why moms like to soak white shirts under the sun because it effectively makes the white even whiter!

Causes Skin Cancer
Do you think your skin is safe from the UV rays just because you’re inside a car or you’re indoors? Not exactly! There’s a reason why most drivers suffer from left-side skin cancer! Even if you stay inside the house most of the time or work indoors, the sun can still get to you. Reduce harmful UV rays by up to 99% by installing quality car tint as well as residential window films.

Increases Chances Of Heatstroke
When the temperature is very high, your body can feel overheated even when you’re not outside. The temperature inside your house can rise just the same if you have a lot of windows and you don’t have air conditioning unit. Avoid this by drinking lots of cold water to keep your body cool and invest in heat-resistant window films for your home.

It Can Damage Your Eyes Too
Did you know that cataracts form in people who are always exposed to sunlight? The majority of UV light from the sun enters the eye through its lens. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can irritate or potentially burn the lens of the eye. Cataract can obscure your vision, although you can seek surgery for this, why let it get to that point if you can do something to prevent it from the first place?