Monday, February 25, 2019

5 Major Tips to Make Your Residential Window Film Last Longer

 Considering the many benefits window tinting
Considering the many benefits window tinting can give, including the fact that it adds aesthetically to your abode or business establishment, as well as provides additional protective layers, many people have been thinking about installing residential or commercial window films.
With this, if the main reason why you want to have films installed to your windows is to limit the sunlight penetrating through your home, better yet choose the best solar window film provider in Singapore.
But just like how other things are bound to end at a certain point in time, residential window films will also wear off after a couple of years or so. However, making it last longer than it should depend on how you take care of it. So here are some key points to take into account when it comes to keeping your window film in top condition:
1. Avoid having the film scratched
If you think scratches are inevitable, well it is not. You can absolutely save your newly tinted window from scratches by being careful of the tools to use, like not using bristle brushes.
2. Do not use harsh cleaning materials
Instead of using ammonia-based or cleaning products with strong or abrasive ingredients, it is better to make use of baby shampoo mixed with distilled water.
3. Use a soft cloth when wiping sills or frames
It would great to consider using a cloth made from 100% cotton when wiping the window sills and frames.
4. Do not put too much pressure
Be as gentle as possible. Remember that your home window is made of glass and putting too much pressure in cleaning operation can be detrimental.
5. Do your best to keep the films in good condition
You don’t want to invest in residential window films only to enjoy it a short period of time, do you? That is why your proper upkeep is important, though there is no maintenance required in the first place.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Reasons Why You Should Opt Ceramic Window Tint for Your Auto

 the market
 With all the types of window tint offered in the market, you might have a hard time choosing which one suits your car the most. But just like how a housewife takes care of her home, you, as a car possessor would surely want just the best for your car, don’t you? With this, there is an automotive film in Singapore which would absolutely make the great choice for your car! Ceramic window film!

Hearing this kind of film will probably make you hesitant at first since it is quite more expensive than the other types, but if you push to have this installed unto your car’s window, you can still have greater benefits which will make you realize it’s worthy of the costs.

In case you have no idea about ceramic window film, well, this kind of tint is perfect for any kind of window, may it be for cars, homes, buildings, or boats. Unlike other types which are made of metal, polyesters, and dyes, this one is not, which is why it is considered to be a window film with the highest quality.

If you are still thinking twice about going for a ceramic window tint, here are its benefits which will surely make you feel certain.

1. It is very durable.
Other window film may fade its color over time, but a ceramic window film does not, which make it stand above the other types when it comes to longevity.

2. It blocks ultraviolet rays.
If you think putting on sunscreen lotion on your skin is enough to cover yourself from the harmful UV rays of the sun, then you thought wrong. Even while you are inside the car, you still need to shield yourself, especially your skin from harm like of ultraviolet rays, with this, installing a ceramic tint unto your car window is like having a car UV protection since this type of window film can block around 99% of the UV rays that infiltrate through the windows.

3. It obstructs infrared light, too!
In addition to the UV rays, we are also exposed to infrared light, which is not a good thing, in our daily lives. This light, though not visible in the naked eyes, can be distinguished as it gives us the feeling of heat. But this can be prevented thanks to the ceramic window film for it obstructs up to 90% of the infrared lights that sneak into the windows. Hence, a hassle-free trip is guaranteed, even if you will get stuck in traffic.

4. It lets your devices still work.
Devices such as cell phones, radios, and GPS systems require electronic waves to function, but it metal-based films, its functioning can interfere. But not with a ceramic window film as it is not made from metal. So, if you don’t want such problems to occur while you are inside the vehicle, like the GPS giving you the wrong direction because the signal is being obstructed, then consider this film installed unto the windows of your car.

5. It reduces the glare of the sun.
With the components of ceramic window film, reducing the amount of glare coming from the sun is truly possible. This kind of film has the ability to take in light rays, hence preventing the glare from penetrating the windows.

6. It is shatter-proof.
We can never tell when an accident will occur, and in times of such fateful event, while you are on the road, you can spare your car windows to be broken. But by having your car window filmed, the glass may crack but will remain in place.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

5 Types of Window Films that can Make Your Abode Outstanding from Others

 Planning to give your home a boost
Planning to give your home a boost? Aside from replacing old furniture and appliances with new, don’t overlook the windows. Yes, taking it into account when it comes to restyling your abode is essential, much better if you will set it to the next level. By this, we mean installing residential window films as a replacement for the aged curtains and window blinds. For those who are new to window tints, it is one of the most effective ways to upgrade your domicile, while contributing to saving up energy consumption.
If your home windows are not yet tinted, better choose the best window films in Singapore perfect for your home! And in case you’re looking a partner in coming up for the finest window films in the country, count Infratint in!

1. Solar Window Films
In addition to adding beauty to your residential or condominium, apartment or whatnot, this kind of film can help regarding the heat and glare problem while cutting down the electricity bill. If you want to save even a little, pick the best solar window film in Singapore.

2. Safety and Security Window Films
We can never tell when a burglar will come and get into our home. So, if you want to secure that the thieves will not have an easy job, Safety and Security Window Films are of great help.

3. Decorative Window Films
 For those whose main goal in putting window film is to make a statement or add interest to their home, better opt the Decorative Window Films. This comes in scenery or pattern, or you can choose to have a customized one.

4. Privacy Films
Our home gives us the privacy we need, but with Privacy Films, you can surely acquire an even higher solitude you desire! This variety of window tint block can make the glass look white or black based on your own preference.

5. UV Blocking Films
With this type of film, you are giving both your skin and home furniture a truly big help since this tint blocks up to 99.9% of the harmful UV rays of the sun.