Wednesday, December 26, 2018

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Tinting Your Car Windows

 No, car window tinting
No, car window tinting is not just a luxury; but an investment that has a long-term profit. Just think it this way, if the paint is for your four-wheeled vehicle’s exterior, films are for the interior. Having an automotive window film installed is more than just being cool for it is not just a decoration but a protection for your car’s interior and its passengers and driver too. Not surprising it is becoming more popular to many auto owners in Singapore.

If until now you are still having a second thought about getting window films, these reasons may convince you to do so…

1. It acts as a sunscreen to the driver and passengers.
The same with the home window tint, getting your car window filmed can help protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. That is why it is best to seek help from the expert about the tint provider which offer the best solar film in Singapore.

2. It makes accidents less dangerous.
Being behind your car’s steering wheel is like taking the risk of getting into the possible accidents presented while on your way to somewhere. No one can ever know when a road catastrophe will happen, but in case it occurs in which your car windows broke, the tint will somehow act as a shield as it will hold the glass from coming and breaking onto your face.

3. It gives the privacy you like while on the road.
If you are too particular about having your privacy, even while you’re on the road, car window tint is the best thing you can do for yourself! By doing so, other drivers and passenger will not know who is inside your car and who you are with, especially if you get stuck in the middle of heavy traffic.

4. It keeps the thieves away.
Because tinting your car makes it difficult for the possible burglar to see what valuables are inside your vehicle.

5. It helps in maintaining and managing the temperature of your car.
Not only does a window film block the UV rays but also cut off glare, with this, you will not stress yourself about keeping the ideal temperature inside your auto!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Do’s and Don’ts on Auto Window Tinting

 automotive window films
Admit it or not, automotive window films truly play a big role in your car, just like how residential window films benefit your abode. Tinting not only does improve the looks of your four wheels but also gives protection from the inside. However, your duty as a wise driver and car owner does not simply end the moment you have installed one of the best tinted films in Singapore unto your automotive windows. In fact, the list of must to do and not to do has just the begun!

By knowing these do’s and don’ts about car window tinting, you are most likely making the quality of the tint last for quite a long time!


1. Not only wounds require time to heal, but even your automotive window films also do! It would be better if you take lot patience with you and just wait for the tint until becomes firm.

2. Familiarize yourself with the rules about the car window tinting in your state. Every state has different rules, so is when it comes to this matter. Not because the expert who has installed the films know the rules does not mean you don’t have to.

3. Care for the tint like how you take care for yourself! After getting window films installed unto your car windows, it won’t make your car look cool with some scratches on it, right? That is why you should take care of it properly, like by avoiding the use of a sharp object.


1. To prevent scratches, avoid using harsh cleaning detergent as it can damage the car window tint.

2. Keep hands of the edges of the window. Since the film on this specific part of the window is most vulnerable to damage.

3. Avoid cleaning the interior of the windows. If you are going to clean your window, just focus on the exterior and not the other way around since the films are attached on the opposite side of the car windows.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Your Smart Guide to Taking Care of and Cleaning Automotive Tinted Windows

When it comes to choosing the best window tint

When it comes to choosing the best window tint solution for your car, a wise attitude is an absolute must. But being a smart car owner does not just end once you have had your desired automotive window films, for your duty has just kicked off.

Before you get a window tint for your car, for sure you have researched for some important details about it and one of the things you probably found out is the fact that car window tinting in Singapore is not a joke─yet a good investment. Which is why making it last longer than it should be is the best thing you can do. But to make it happen, your way of taking care for it is a big factor. In this case, better keep scrolling down as we will give you some clever tips regarding the proper window cleaning.

Wait for the window tint to cure
This will somewhat test your patience as the curing process once the window film is applied may take between 7 and 30 days, and is depending on climate.

Use the right products on cleaning tinted car windows
Once the tint finally healed, you may now proceed to clean, in which a clean rubber squeegee or a cotton cloth can be used. You can also apply cleaner, just make sure that it is designed for window films, be aware to avoid cleaning products that contain ammonia or strong cleaning chemicals.

Simple steps on how to clean tinted car windows
Spray the cleaner on windows in a gentle manner.
Rub the cleaner with a clean, cotton cloth or microfiber cloth.
Regularly turn the cloth while cleaning the surface.
Spray the cleaner once more.
Using soft rubber squeegee, gently rub the glass horizontally from top to bottom until the cleaner dries off
Wipe off any cleaner residue with a soft cloth

Follow the do’s
As stated above, only use the chemical cleaner that is safe for window films.
Aside from cleaner, you can also use warm, soapy water.
Since tint is installed to the interior of the window, always do the cleaning on the opposite part─exterior of the car windows.
To make sure, ask the person who has knowledge in window tinting about the cleaning product right for car windows.

Keep in mind the don’ts
If you don’t want to ruin your car window tint, better not use ammonia or other harsh chemicals.
Considering the fact that window tint needs time to cure, it is a must to not clean the windows after the film is installed.
No matter how much you want it, do not roll down your windows a week (or even longer) after having the tint installed to your car windows.
You can prevent your car window tint from being scratched by not using razor blades, scrapers, or any squeegees with sharp metal edges.
Lastly, since vinegar is made from dilute alcoholic liquids, better keep yourself from using it when cleaning your window films.

Choose the right film to make the tint last longer

Investing in automotive window films is one of the great ways of showing your four wheels some love, but the problem here is how to make it the tint last long for an even wiser investment? Well, all you need is to choose not only the best but also the right tint for your car! With regards to this, Infratint can definitely give you one of the excellent car films in Singapore!