Sunday, June 30, 2019

3 Main Benefits of Regular Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning
As a homeowner, you would surely do everything to make your abode look appealing and, at the same time, comfortable for the whole family. As a matter of fact, some have even gone beyond investing time, effort, and money in making their lawn aesthetically beautiful just to ensure their home looks better than their neighbors’.

Although it is true that upgrading the look of your lawn and/or incorporating bricks to the exterior of your abode play an important role to making your home a "home" to your visitors, too, most people miss to pay attention to is the fact that having clean windows is enough to give a good impression about the home itself. Given that the window is one of the first things that will be noticed in a house.

But the question here is when was the last time you spend time to check and clean the windows of your residence? Has it been quite a long while? If you are guilty about this matter considering that you rarely take time to wipe off the dust that dwells on your windows, here are some of the main reasons why you should do window cleaning regularly.

1. Clean windows give a better view

No matter how beautiful the view of the place you reside at, it is considered nonsense if you can neither see nor enjoy the scenery; given that your windows are unclear due to the dust and other unwanted particles scattered on it. Which is why regular cleaning of windows ─ from both the interior and exterior ─ is important. This is especially required if there is a residential window film installed on it. On the other hand, if your home has a ceramic window film or other types of tint, take note that the cleaning process varies from what you do on normal glass windows.

With the windows being cleaned regularly, you can be able to enjoy a clear view of the surroundings while you sit or stand beside the large window of your home. At the same time, this allows you to see the interior of your home even you are outside.

2. Degradation can be prevented

Dirt and dust, which can be brought by the air, are just two of the main contributors why the structure of your glass window degrades over time. Not to mention that with irregular window cleaning, the damage that these harmful particles give can be even worse. In fact, dirt build-up can make the glass window to lose its transparency since it becomes spotted with stains.

3. Contributes to energy efficiency

Whether you believe it or not, having and maintaining your windows clean is one of the best ways that contribute to the energy efficiency of your home. Those who have insulated dual pane windows are encouraged to do a regular window cleaning since clean windows contribute to keeping the cold air out during the wet season while maintaining warm air out during the dry season.

But if you want to save money by means of lowering your electricity consumption, might as well look for the best solar film in Singapore. With window film added to your windows, a comfortable temperature can be guaranteed, not mentioning that it also comes with a variety of benefits that you can enjoy.

When it comes to either residential or commercial window film, Infratint has a range of high-quality window tint solution perfect for your needs. Get the best window film quotation by not hesitating to reach us through our customer care hotline at 6684 5330 or 9456 0888.

Monday, June 17, 2019

5 Advantages You Can Enjoy by Having Your Car Tinted

  Car window tinting
Car window tinting may have evoked a wrong impression to some ─ that it is only a form of luxury and should be the last thing a car owner should invest in a car. What others don’t know is the fact that automotive film not only helps in making a vehicle pleasing in the eye but also comes along with a range of long-term benefits.
Another thing that makes some car owners feel hesitant about getting an automotive film in Singapore is the thought that it might cost a fortune, which is actually not. If you are still on the state of weighing things whether it is worthy to have your car tinted or not, here are the benefits that might help you decide.

1. Protects your investment

If there is one thing every car owner wants it is absolutely to make their vehicle last as long as possible. But this seems to be a bit challenging due to the harsh sunshine which damages the interior of your vehicle. The good thing is having a professional window tinting job is like prolonging the lifespan of your car since it blocks the detrimental sunshine from penetrating inside the vehicle. In addition, with automotive window film, you can save yourself from eye strain given that it blocks the glare coming directly from the sun, as well as the headlights from the other vehicles when driving during nighttime.

2. Gives a car UV protection

In addition to blocking the sunbeams from sneaking through the car windows, the automotive film gives a car UV protection by obstructing up to 99% of the detrimental ultraviolet rays of the sun ─ which is one of the causes of speeding the aging process and skin cancer. So if you want to spare yourself and the people you are with inside the car from the sun’s wrath, adding tint to your vehicle’s windows is a great way.

3. Maintains a comfortable temperature inside the car

Road trips are fun and exciting minus the fact that you the sun’s beam that sneaks through the car’s windows is making you feel a bit uncomfortable. In case the air conditioning system is not enough to balance the temperature inside the car, then it is time to consider getting a window tinting job. By having it done by professionals, up to 65% of the solar heat building up in a car will be blocked, thus making the interior of your vehicle more comfortable ─ without setting your car’s AC to a high level.

4. Betters privacy and security

Imagine yourself being stuck in heavy traffic and being stared by the other motorists and pedestrians, given that your car isn’t tinted. Won’t this scenario make you feel uncomfortable and/or alarmed? If you’re the type of person who values privacy, car window tint is for you! Not only does it increase your level of privacy while inside a car, but it also makes you feel secure that you can be able to leave your valuables in your vehicle without being bothered that it might get stolen or what.

5. Makes driving safer

With all the aforementioned benefits car window tinting can give, it only beckons to one thing: safer driving is more likely to be experienced. Not to mention that automotive window film is also designed to keep the glass together should there be an accident to take place.

If you want to safeguard everyone in the vehicle ─ including the valuables ─ it would be best to invest in car window tint. And with one of the best providers of the automotive film in Singapore, you can reach us, Infratint, via our customer care hotline at 6684 5330 or 9456 0888.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

5 Great Ways Restaurants Benefit from Window Film

 window film in Singapore
Before the appetizing menu, the first thing that will definitely catch your attention when it comes to choosing the restaurants to dine at is definitely the ambiance ─ whether it has the ability to entice you. That’s why most store owners, in various lines of business, are investing time, effort, and money just to make their business look appealing to the eyes of every customer. With this, the “first impression lasts” concept applies.

Just so you know, one factor that plays an important role in making your business, a restaurant for example, attention-grabbing is through having a commercial window film. If you’re a store owner, whether you have just opened a local restaurant or have been in the industry for quite a long time, and you haven’t considered getting a window film in Singapore, here are some of its benefits that will definitely entice you to have one soon.

1. Keeps a comfortable temperature

In a country with a tropical climate like Singapore, keeping ourselves cool is quite challenging. This is why one of the things that most of us look when dining somewhere is whether the spot has a great air conditioning system. The thing is since most restaurants are designed with large floor-to-ceiling windows, it is truly a struggle to maintain an ideal temperature inside, given that about 30% of the energy used to keep the interior cool is lost through the windows. But by having a solar window film in Singapore, the problem can be solved. Isn’t it customer satisfaction is one of the top priorities of every store owner?

2. Controls the sun glare

To have a seat beside the glass window of a restaurant may seem perfect since you get to enjoy the beautiful scenery. On the other hand, this could also mean having to deal with the pesky sun glare until you finish your food or when you are done doing business to someone. In order to keep your customers feeling comfortable about the food, service, and the environment of your restaurant, installing a ceramic window film ─ known as the high-quality type of solar window tint ─ would be perfect.

3. Creates an ambiance of privacy

Although the movies and books have created an ideal (and romantic) setting of dining in a restaurant with glass walls, in reality, there are some are not comfortable with this kind of idea. Well, the thought of being watched by passers-by while you eat or converse with someone is actually bothersome. However, by installing a commercial window film, this will never become a problem. As a matter of fact, adding a window film can give people (diners) a sense of privacy, given that people outside the restaurant cannot see them through the windows are made of glass.

4. Gives safety and security

While there are a lot of unlikely incidents that we can’t control, such as a drunken man trying to throw something on the window, which can cause harm to the customers, using a window film made from high-quality materials like of Infratint’s is a great way to keep them safe and secure. Given that the window film is designed using heavy-duty polyester is an assurance that the glass will not easily break should there be a window-smashing incident.

5. Blocks harmful UVA radiation

In addition to the heat, the sun also emits ultra-violet rays that can be notably harmful, as a matter of fact, UVA radiation is one of the leading cause of skin cancer. So to save your customers from the harm the sun could bring, it would be better to install a quality window film that can effectively block the detrimental rays from the sun.