Tuesday, May 28, 2019

4 Ways To Decorate Your Salon And Gain More Customers At The Same Time

 Running a salon is a great business since most people like to always look good.

Running a salon is a great business since most people like to always look good. However, there will be times when sales will go stale as you struggle to keep up with the expectations from your loyal customers and maintaining the service quality while still trying to gain new customers and grow your business. This is where decorating your salon can come in handy! Here are some tips in decorating your salon that will help keep the loyalty of your old clients and interest new ones!

1.  Add Vibrant Color Scheme

Bright colors never fail to catch people’s attention. So if you want people to quickly notice your salon in the sea of other establishments, paint your walls with vibrant hues. However, make sure you go with colors that represent your salon and your brand. Don’t just pick a random color without thinking about it carefully.

2.  Light Up The Space

Do not underestimated how the lighting in your salon can make a difference in your customer’s salon experience as well as the general look of your place. Find ways to make your salon feel brighter to make it more appealing for people to come in and avail your services. If you’re still using standard fluorescent, how about you change it up with a statement lighting piece? Your lighting fixtures can really date your overall salon design. Or better yet, allow natural light into your bathroom by maybe adding more windows or just making the existing one bigger.

3.  Utilize Window Tints

Yes, you offer discounts and promos to lure in more customers, but that’s useless if they’re not aware of it! Instead of distributing flyers or putting up a sign to spread the word why not make use of your front glass windows that people look at and pass by every day? Turn that plain glass window into a news board of your business! When you have any announcement regarding your services or something new to offer, those glass windows are the perfect spot to showcase those and turn a passerby into a customer.

4.  Welcome Everyone With Graffiti

Usually, no shop would want graffiti on their walls let alone on their front glass windows. But when done right, graffiti is a beautiful art form that can be used to pique people’s interest and lure them into your salon. So here’s what you can do, install anti-graffiti film on your front glass windows. This way, you can do graffiti on them on special days to promote any special event you have and still be able to effortlessly clean it off afterwards then do a different one next time.

Monday, May 20, 2019

5 Tips to Accessorizing Your Car the Smart Way

 A car is a truly expensive possession one can have in life

A car is a truly expensive possession one can have in life. Regardless of the fact that purchasing one in Singapore can cause a tremendously high amount of money, it doesn’t stop many car lovers until they finally get the key to their dream car.

For those who already made their dream car to life, making sure it looks pretty smart on the road is definitely one of your concerns aside from the road trip plans that have been lined up in the back of your head. And by that, it means taking time and putting effort to accessorize your vehicle according to your preference.

To help you achieve the smart look that you want your car to have, here are some tips that you may want to take note.

1. Exterior is important

Since the first thing people will notice about your car is its exterior, might as well give them the best impression about your vehicle! In case you are not fine and satisfied with the color of your car can consider repainting the exterior. In this point, it is important to carefully choose which color you truly want. But if you’re feeling a bit hesitant about this, thinking it might cause you a fortune, you’re thinking the otherwise for it only needs a fresh coat of paint to upgrade the overall appearance of your precious vehicle!

2. Make sure you sit comfortably

Imagine yourself having a long drive but not comfortable with your seat. Isn’t that really frustrating? So to save you from the frustration, investing in a good car seat matters; this will not only give you comfort but can also make every drive a worthwhile!

3. Update your car audio system

Music calms the mind and soothes the soul. But have we mentioned that music can also make a great company while on the road, especially if you’re driving alone? While this is can be absolutely true, it can also become a distraction when the audio volume is set too high, for you may not be able to hear other drivers beeping their vehicles to give you traffic signals. In order to prevent music to become a distraction instead of a form of relaxation, setting your audio to a reasonable volume is important.

4. Invest in good automotive window films

The thought of staying inside your car under the scorching heat of the sun sounds pretty challenging and annoying at the same time. Not to mention the risks of getting exposed to the detrimental sun. That is why considering a vehicle window tinting is truly important and worth it is given that it acts like a car UV protection. As a matter of fact, window tint offers a range of benefits for both the people inside the car and the car itself.

  • It helps help an ideal temperature inside the car.
  • It protects your interior from fading.
  • It provides an extra layer of protection as it keeps the burglar from seeing the valuables inside the vehicle.
  • It gives privacy.
  • It makes your car look more attractive.

So if you’re looking for an automotive window film that will both enhance the look of your vehicle while giving you the protection you need against the harmful rays of the sun, opt the best car solar film in Singapore! And by this, you Infratint can help you quote and choose the perfect film for your car windows!

5. Pay attention to small accessories

Since your car is like a second home, it would be nice to make it as comfy and relaxing like your own abode by means of paying attention to small details.
Make sure you have a comfortable seatbelt cover.

  • Keep yourself hydrated throughout the trip by having a drink holder with a cup full of water or other refreshing drinks.
  • Invest in a nice steering wheel cover which can soothe your hands during long drives.
  • Ensure you have a reliable phone/table docks where you can attach your devices when navigating using Google maps and GPS.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Window Films Lower Electricity Bill: Fact or Hoax?

 Summer is the most awaited time of the year for many

Summer is the most awaited time of the year for many, even for those who live in a tropical country like Singapore, since it is when plenty of activities can be enjoyed without being bothered by the rain. People can bask in the warmth of the sun on the beach while others can give their long-planned mountain hike a go. It is also the best time to reunite and pig out with your family and friends.

However, along with the excitement building up in your system is the increase in your electricity bill. Oh, you almost forgot that summer is also the same time when you will be relying, most of the time, on the use of air conditioning to ease the pesky hot temperature inside your home. Considering that you live in Singapore, a country which feels like summer all year round, don’t be surprised if the electricity bill in your home double or triple.

But don’t let that ruin the fun that you can possibly have because if there is a problem, there is surely a solution. When it comes to combating the annoying heat of the sun, installing a window film is a smart way. More than just controlling a comfortable temperature is the fact that it can also trim down your electric consumption, provided that you will not be resorting too much on the air conditioning system.

How does window film save energy?

Window films are either made of metal or dyed during the manufacturing process which reacts with sunlight while it helps reject the detrimental ultraviolet rays from penetrating through the window. In return, this can help you save on the amount of energy used to keep a cool and comfy temperature level inside the abode.

What are the various types of window films?

If you’re looking for a window tint for your residential, be mindful about the different variety of film solutions offered in the market. Some of the common types include:

- Dyed films use a layer of adhesive polyester film applied to the window. Though this type of film is the cheapest, be guided that it can easily fade over time.

- Hybrid films, as the word itself means, is a combination of both dye and reflective metal. It cut off the mirror effects without compromising the color of the tint.

- Sputter films are a type of window film which is fabricated through heating different kinds of metal, wherein the metallization process goes under atomic manipulation.

- Ceramic window film guarantees a high-quality of tint, as a matter of fact, it can block up to 99.9% of destructive UVA and UVB rays of the sun and rejects up to 90% of infrared light.

Where to find a quality solar window film in Singapore?

Since the demand for window film, whether it’s for home, commercial or vehicle use has been increasing over the years, you might come across a number of tint providers in the market. With this, it is important to do research first and carefully choose which one you think offers a quality window film. One of the bests that you can entrust your windows to is Infratint! We offer professional window tinting service that is indeed value-for-money. You can contact us via our customer service hotline at 6684 5330 or 9456 0888.

Other benefits of window films

In addition to saving energy and helping to lower the electricity bill, getting a window film for your residential property has other benefits to offer including:

- It gives an additional layer of protection in your home.

- It provides an aesthetic look.

- It prevents the furniture from deteriorating.

- It offers protection against the harmful UV rays.

Monday, May 6, 2019

8 Popular Window Film Myths and the Truth Behind Them

 Given the fact that energy costs are continuously rising up in the past years
Given the fact that energy costs are continuously rising up in the past years, and will still do in the years ahead, people tend to come across excellent ways to trim down the consumption or electricity. Not to mention that the country you live in makes it feels like summer every day. With this regards, applying window film in Singapore is a great way to fight the scorching weather.

Aside from that, residential window films also come with a variety of benefits including adding aesthetics to your abode, making it look even more comfortable. Plus, it can be of big help when it comes to extending the life of your furniture and other valuable stuff inside your home. In spite of the good things a window tinting service can give, there is still a room for some myths and rumors which will probably make others feel hesitant about window films.

1. Window film is only useful during the summer
One of the things that cause misconception to many is the thought that window film only works in the summer. Unbeknownst to some that it also acts as a great tool in warming the temperature inside the house during the cold months. When you have a window film installed to your home windows, the comfort of your abode will be increased as it maintains the temperature indoor despite that the weather is either hot or cold.

2. Window film can make your windows look dark
While there are tint solutions that can actually make your window looks dark, on the other hand, not ALL window films tend to be the way. As a matter of fact, many reputable providers of window film in Singapore have different types and shades of tints. One of the perfect examples is the Infra-Smoke Series of Intratint, whereas the tints used is a layer of UV treated optical grade polyester film which is dyed based according to the desired shade or color. Another thing to note is the darker the tints are, the more solar heat is rejected from penetrating through the windows. If this is your main goal, we suggest choosing the best solar film in Singapore.

3. Window film is not needed for there is Low-E glass
There are no things that are alike from one another, the same goes with the window you have at home. It is important to note that while there really are glasses that can provide 25% to 40% or even up to 75% UV reductions, not all glass is created the same. But with window films, it can safeguard you from the detrimental ultraviolet rays of the sun more than what Low-E glass windows can do.

4. Window film can stop all UV rays from entering inside your home
In line with the previous myth, some might think that applying window films can block all UV rays, but the truth is it can shield up to 99.9% of the detrimental ultraviolet rays.
In case you’re looking for a window tint solution to reject as much as 99% of the UV radiation, we offer different grades of window films for you including the Infra-Smoke Series and Infra-Platinum99 Series for you!

5. Window film can easily lose its effectiveness
Some might be thinking that window films can only last for a year or two, as it can lose its effectiveness over time. But this is not true, especially if you have found a trusted window film provider that offers high-quality products. One of the top choices you have in Singapore is Infratint, where the films used have gone through extensive research and development in order to create a premium solar film. Also, the window films offered by Infratint has 7 years manufacturer warranty.

6. Window can’t be cleaned once the film is applied
You can’t be able to clean your windows until the curing process is done, but not to the extent that you can no longer do it! Usually, you need to wait up to 30 days before you can clean the windows. Take note that there will be some changes in the way you do it, as you have to be cautious in order to not ruin the tint. These include using a soft cloth, paper towel, and a synthetic sponge and cleaning solutions with abrasive material.

7. Window film make your windows appear bubbled
If this myth is one of the reasons that hold you back from installing window film to your home, well, those bubbly-looking windows you have probably seen aren’t done by a professional installer. Another important thing you should know by now (in case you don’t know yet) is the fact that window tinting uses metalized films that guarantee the same shade or color as they are on the day of installation.

8. Window film only helps for temperature control
It is true that window film is a great way to maintain an ideal temperature indoors, but it is not the only benefit it can give! As a matter of fact, it comes along with a variety of advantages which makes it a worthy investment. In addition to UV rays protection, it provides security as it acts as a form of a protective layer on the windscreen and windows; it enhances the appearance of your home (even commercial property and cars); it improves the level of privacy which can reduce chances of break-in incidents.