Monday, July 2, 2018

How Can Window Films Still Benefit You Despite The Cooler Weather?

window tinting
When it comes to window tinting, people often assume it’s only for heat reduction whether it’s for your car or home or any establishment for that matter. However, you could be missing a whole lot of benefits from window films because aside from that, it has so much more to offer. In fact, even during colder months, you’d still be better off with your windows tinted. Why? Here are the reasons:

It Saves Energy Consumption
Trying to cool an entire house during summer is hard and so is warm up an entire house during winter. This is because you have this overwhelming temperature outside that you have to fight using AC or heating system. Because of this, both of them have to work harder to get the job done; which means it uses more energy thus cost more. But installing the best solar films that are widely available here in Singapore on every window your house have especially on big ones helps control the temperature that penetrates into your home. As a result, your HVAC unit doesn’t have to run as hard which can save repairs, decrease maintenance cost, and increase the lifespan of your system in the long run.

Protect Furniture And Upholstery
Just because it’s not as hot during the summer doesn’t mean the sun will hold back on its UV and infrared rays.  Vehicle upholstery, wood floors, countertops, and furniture fades or becomes damaged over time, but with the harsh sunlight streaming down constantly, that will happen prematurely. Good thing window films blocks 99 % of the UV rays which not only protects your skin but also prevent damages on your upholstery and furniture.

For Better Driving
Aren’t you tired of squinting while driving? Driving with the sun’s glare on your face is not only annoying but also dangerous. How so? Well since it makes you squint, then your vision becomes affected which can lead to either road accident or damaged eyesight due to prolonged exposure to UV rays. Automotive films blocks glare from all sources of extreme light so that you wouldn’t have to be distracted by it and you can focus on driving instead of looking for something to cover your eyes every time.

It Adds Protection To Your Glass Window
Accidentally hitting your car window would not only cost you money but may also lead to injury or wounds. But if you get your car windows tinted this may be prevented because automotive films help hold the glass together so that it doesn’t shatter easily upon impact with an object or in an event of an accident.

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