Monday, May 13, 2019

Window Films Lower Electricity Bill: Fact or Hoax?

 Summer is the most awaited time of the year for many

Summer is the most awaited time of the year for many, even for those who live in a tropical country like Singapore, since it is when plenty of activities can be enjoyed without being bothered by the rain. People can bask in the warmth of the sun on the beach while others can give their long-planned mountain hike a go. It is also the best time to reunite and pig out with your family and friends.

However, along with the excitement building up in your system is the increase in your electricity bill. Oh, you almost forgot that summer is also the same time when you will be relying, most of the time, on the use of air conditioning to ease the pesky hot temperature inside your home. Considering that you live in Singapore, a country which feels like summer all year round, don’t be surprised if the electricity bill in your home double or triple.

But don’t let that ruin the fun that you can possibly have because if there is a problem, there is surely a solution. When it comes to combating the annoying heat of the sun, installing a window film is a smart way. More than just controlling a comfortable temperature is the fact that it can also trim down your electric consumption, provided that you will not be resorting too much on the air conditioning system.

How does window film save energy?

Window films are either made of metal or dyed during the manufacturing process which reacts with sunlight while it helps reject the detrimental ultraviolet rays from penetrating through the window. In return, this can help you save on the amount of energy used to keep a cool and comfy temperature level inside the abode.

What are the various types of window films?

If you’re looking for a window tint for your residential, be mindful about the different variety of film solutions offered in the market. Some of the common types include:

- Dyed films use a layer of adhesive polyester film applied to the window. Though this type of film is the cheapest, be guided that it can easily fade over time.

- Hybrid films, as the word itself means, is a combination of both dye and reflective metal. It cut off the mirror effects without compromising the color of the tint.

- Sputter films are a type of window film which is fabricated through heating different kinds of metal, wherein the metallization process goes under atomic manipulation.

- Ceramic window film guarantees a high-quality of tint, as a matter of fact, it can block up to 99.9% of destructive UVA and UVB rays of the sun and rejects up to 90% of infrared light.

Where to find a quality solar window film in Singapore?

Since the demand for window film, whether it’s for home, commercial or vehicle use has been increasing over the years, you might come across a number of tint providers in the market. With this, it is important to do research first and carefully choose which one you think offers a quality window film. One of the bests that you can entrust your windows to is Infratint! We offer professional window tinting service that is indeed value-for-money. You can contact us via our customer service hotline at 6684 5330 or 9456 0888.

Other benefits of window films

In addition to saving energy and helping to lower the electricity bill, getting a window film for your residential property has other benefits to offer including:

- It gives an additional layer of protection in your home.

- It provides an aesthetic look.

- It prevents the furniture from deteriorating.

- It offers protection against the harmful UV rays.

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