Tuesday, November 5, 2019

6 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Tinting Your Car Window

 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Tinting Your Car Window
It is true that car window tinting is an effective way to level up the look of your car. Not only that, searching out for the best automotive film in Singapore lets you enjoy a lot gains including having car UV protection as it protects you and the interior of the car against the damaging UV rays. But this can become a nightmare instead of a blessing when the window tinting job is not done right. So to avoid mistakes when it comes to automotive window tinting, it is really important that the installation is done properly and by someone who has expertise in the window tinting. In addition, there are common mistakes that some unknowingly commit when getting a car window tinting in Singapore.

1. Going over low-quality automotive window film

Isn’t just frustrating to have the windows of your car tinted and after a few days or so, the automotive film starts to peel off? Well, that is what happens when you preferred a low-quality tint. Although it may be good to your pocket as it costs you a little less than of high-quality tints, the downside is that you may not be able to enjoy it, as well as its benefits, for a long time. That is why it is better to spend a little more with top-rated automotive film, as it is guaranteed to last.

2. Choosing the wrong tint

Since there is a range of tint that many tinting companies offer, it is crucial to choose the one that is right for your car. There are dyed window tint, solar window tint, metalized window tint, hybrid window tint, and so on, wherein each possesses their own features, benefits, and disadvantages. To ensure you are going over the right window film suitable for your car and that is within your budget, it is vital to understand each tint.

3. Accepting a dodgy window tinting quote

With the many window tinting companies in the market, it seems hard to point which ones are there to build good reputation by providing good service and quality window films than those that are only there to make money. Before you leave your pocket empty by just accepting quotes, it is better to scrutinize the quotation first ─ ensuring that the quote includes both labor and all parts needed for window film installation.

4. Not familiarizing yourself with window tinting laws

Before you decide to go for a car window tinting, it is crucial that you are aware of the tinting laws in the state that you live in, provided that each state has tinting laws that need to be followed. Although you can use the internet to get yourself familiarized with the laws regarding window tinting, there are experts at the automotive tinting centers who can provide you the needed information when it comes to tinting laws.

5. Having the window tinting job done by inexperienced installer

Given that automotive film is an investment, it is important to have it done in the right way and by the experts at a reputable car tinting shop ─ not just by someone who claims to know the process. Make sure that the person you are letting to install the window film has the expertise and experience when it comes to the proper window film installation. By doing so, you can be able to save yourself from the hassle of bad window tinting.

6. Failure to get a warranty

Consider it a red flag once the window film installer does not provide you a warranty because it is a must to receive a warranty for both the tint and the workmanship entailed in the installation of the automotive film. To make sure you’re at the right auto tint shop, better ask about their warranties before booking for a car tinting job.


  1. I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! Window Film

  2. Thanks for sharing this information. It is very useful. Awesometints in Singapore provide premium quality car tinting in Singapore. We use to offers best tintted glass to protect your car from sun and heat.
