Monday, April 6, 2020

5 Ways Window Tinting Can Benefit Your Health

 commercial window film
It is a known fact that installing a residential and commercial window film can excellently improve the look of your abode or property.  At the same time, it helps in lowering your heating and cooling bills, as it keeps a comfortable temperature in your space. But what some people might not know is that window tinting does more than just keeping out of your eyes, in fact, it comes with a set of good things where your health can surely benefit. Here are some that are worth considering, especially if you are thinking about whether or not to install a solar film in Singapore.

Reduce the risk of exposure to harmful UV rays

You might be thinking that staying indoors can spare you from the harm caused by the sun’s UV rays, what you don’t know is you can be exposed to ultraviolet radiation even you are at home. And that is because of the UV radiation can enter through regular window glass. By regular window glass, we mean those that are not yet tinted. And if you think hanging curtains on or drawing the blinds can be a nice alternative, this can have a drawback as it can block great amount sunlight, therefore making your space look dim.

In order to let just the right amount of sunlight inside your home without being exposed to UV rays, installing a solar film is a smart idea.

Trim down the chances of acquiring skin cancer

By enhancing your regular window glass with window tint solution, you are doing your skin a big favor. How? It is because window film can block UV rays from penetrating your home. Too much exposure to UV rays has a high tendency of acquiring skin cancer, not to mention that it can also accelerate the effects of skin aging.

Reduce eye strain

Being in a bright workspace may seem perfect, but this could be not a very good idea, especially if you happen to be sitting near a window where the sunlight passes through. It is because too much sunlight indoor can create glare that makes it hard to see your computer screen. In this case, there’s a tendency of you suffering from eye strain which can then cause discomfort, fatigue, and headache. Thus, your health and even your productivity at work can be affected. Getting a window tint can be a great way to protect your eyes from strain.

Avert autoimmune disease

Research has found that exposure to higher levels of UV radiation in sunlight has the tendency of developing dermatomyositis, an autoimmune disease that concerns the skin. If you or know someone who already has an autoimmune disease, it is important to avoid too much exposure to sunlight as it can only aggravate the symptoms. One of the best ways to prevent this autoimmune disease from developing is by installing a window film, as it is able to reject a great amount of UV radiation.

Cut the risk of dehydration or heat stroke

In a country where it feels like summer almost all-year-round (like Singapore), staying cool is beneficial not to your comfort but to your health as well. Aside from running the air conditioning at home for longer hours, just to keep a comfortable temperature, another thing that can contribute to keeping a cool atmosphere at your abode is by installing a window film. When the environment is cool, the risk of dehydration and heatstroke can also be reduced.

Whether you are interested in tinting your home or getting a windscreen tint for your vehicle, Infratint can give you quotations about window film in Singapore. Contact us through our customer care hotline 6684 5330 or 9456 0888.

1 comment:

  1. Wow,I think that is a very great article to look into never actually thought that tinting can also be beneficial for health as well.

    Window Tint Schools
